Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Question #10 - How culturally responsive is curriculum?

Overlapping with the themes of freedom and reciprocity is the question: How culturally responsive is curriculum?  To delve into this question we need to ask: What is diversity & how has diversity changed over time?  Let’s follow Kliebard’s (n.d.) advice and consider the past to better understand the present & the future.  (1) What was the social context in Canada & the U.S. in the early 1900s & what did this mean for education?  As you read Addams’ brief paper, consider her key points.  (2) What were Addams’ main concerns? (3) To what degree are her concerns still relevant today?

·       THE PUBLIC SCHOOL & THE IMMIGRANT CHILD (1908) – JANE ADDAMS – (The Curriculum Studies Reader #4)

In considering the theme of cultural responsiveness a variety of questions arise: (1) What is culture? (2) What are some key aspects to cultural responsiveness? (3) What is (& isn’t) culturally responsive in terms of curriculum content & delivery?  (4) How can cultural responsiveness be enriched in relation to curriculum content & delivery? 


Chan’s article delves into the practice of cultural responsiveness.  As you read Chan’s reflection, consider the following questions: (1) What sort of challenges & complications arise in the realm of cultural responsiveness? (2) What impedes cultural responsiveness?  (3) How can curriculum developers work to foster robust cultural responsiveness? (4) How about teachers as they interpret & deliver curriculum?

·       TEACHER EXPERIENCES OF CULTURE IN THE CURRICULUM (2006) – ELAINE CHAN – (The Curriculum Studies Reader #29)

Additional books/articles on the subject of cultural responsiveness include:

·       The Forms of Capital (1986/translation) – PIERRE BORDIEU
·       The Afrocentric Idea in Education (1991) – MOLEFI ASANTE
·       The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society (1991) – ARTHUR M. SCHLESINGER JR.
·       Anti-Racism Education: Theory and Practice (1996) – GEORGE J. DEI
·       Subtractive Schooling, Caring Relations, & Social Capital in the Schooling of US-Mexican Youth (1999) – ANGELA VALENZUELA – (The Curriculum Studies Reader #28)